(based on Form 27 data over a 3 year period)
- Size didn’t seem to make a difference as they were a mix of large and small branches. The median membership was 135
- They were a mix of geographies: urban, retirement and rural
- They had an average net membership increase of three members a year
We concluded, “Success did not depend on location or branch size”
But, these 24 branches were doing things differently than the non-growth branches. Which of the following actions do you think made a difference?
- Big Sir’s focus on recruiting at every opportunity
- Incentives for bringing guests
- Entertaining speakers
- Attractive venue for lunch
- Space to mingle
- Excellent member communications using multiple sources
- An active, up to date website
- Focus on member relations and retention
- Formal new member orientation
- A four to six month follow up with new members to check on satisfaction
- Activities which encouraged member’s ladies to join in
If you said “ALL of them” you are right! A single branch might not have done all of these actions, but each of the growing branches did most of them.