Answers to Your Questions

This is your ONLINE source of information- so it’s available 24/7. Visit at any time and get answers! The website will be continuously developed depending on YOUR needs, please use the ‘Contact Page’ menu (above, right) to suggest improvements and additional content.

The first thing to do is ENROLL by clicking on the button to the right.
If you don’t enroll you will NOT have access to any of the main learning areas.  

Return to this page after enrolling by clicking your browser back arrow,
then follow the instructions below.

When you come back to this page: click on the ‘Course Library‘ tab in the menu at the top of the page and choose a topic of interest. 

Your choices are: 
1. What you need to know about online learning courses (this introduction is the only area which can be viewed without enrolling)
2. For Big Sir and Little Sir
3. For Treasurer and Secretary (only partial content yet)
4. Other Branch positions (to come later)

Start by clicking the first icon to read this how online learning program works. Then move on to the Big and Little Sir icon and open up the course to see the available topics.

On future visits you may have to log-in via Member’s Dashboard, depends whether the system recognizes you or not!

Because of changes approved by the State Board (eg replacing the Rules Manual with Policies and Procedures) some references are out of date. The needed changes will be incorporated into the appropriate pages as an ongoing project.

Content for Branch Officers and RAMP Teams will also be added as an ongoing project. I will create a tutorial about adding content to this site, so if you would like to join the editorial team please let me know. It is quite easy (similar to using MS Word) and I’ll be your tutor!

If you need a topic that is not on the list just let me know and we’ll add a page (or more). Please use the ‘Contact Page’ from the (horizontal) menu above to leave a message.

Thank you
Derek Southern

Latest revision: 8/30/2020