Much of the material presented on this site is derived from materials developed in 2016-2017 by Ed Benson, Dean Steichen and their teams of Trainers. Their hard work should be recognized and it has made the compilation of information for this online course much easier.  

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7 thoughts on “2. For Big Sir and Little Sir”

  1. One other thought that I want to pass on to you President Southern for consideration to add to your training module.
    It is in regard to the Speaker we invite to our Branch Luncheon. I believe the Speaker and his/her subject is one of the big
    draws to a SIR Branch and ultimate membership. When I was recently elected to be a Little Sir, I found this task a daunting experience. “Who?” and “From where?” were two of the questions I asked myself in trying to fulfill my Little Sir responsibility. Of course, I drew on the experience of previous local Little Sirs but I found this has its limits. At Region 5 training for Little Sir last year, I asked the other Little Sirs there if they had any suggestions. Fortunately, there was one there who had prepared and brought a suggested list of Speakers that I found to be very useful. It wasn’t a big list but it did help. I even used one of his Speakers. Recommend you consider adding a topic about Speakers and draw from other branches on suggested Speakers. I think it would be well received by new to SIR Little Sirs.

    1. Hi Arlie,

      I have recently taken the job of Little Sir for Branch 102 in Carmichael CA. I read your comment and would like a copy of any potential speakers that you may have. I sent out 22 email requests last week and have heard back from only one.

      I would appreciate any advice you may have.

      Dan Maglionico

  2. One last comment after just submitting my previous comments:
    FYI –
    The date and time that was shown on my comments was October 14, 2018 at 7:48 pm
    The date is correct, however, the actual time was 12:50 pm (just after noon).

  3. My first impression is that this is very good as an on-line training aid – doesn’t fully replace face to face communication but would certainly enhance that if ‘read’ prior to such a meeting.
    Here’s some thoughts –
    ‘Developing Branch Goals & Action Plans – Under setting branch goals and action plans, #1 put in a ‘link’ address to get the form. It wasn’t clear to me what the Goal Worksheet is or where to find it.
    ‘Nominating Committee’ – Suggestion: the current big sir moves to nominating committee chairman following his term. This provides continuity in the leadership change and hopefully the big sir has learned from his year in office what could be improved by ‘nominating’ the right talents.
    ‘Communication is a Two-Way Activity’ – Should strongly suggest that the little sir also submits a monthly letter (which I refer to as ‘Little Sir Notes’). I found this very effective to communicate upcoming events (which the little sir organizes) and some background on guest speakers, etc.
    ‘Communications with Sirs Outside Your Branch’ – “States – The area governor is required to call a meeting of this big sirs after each State Board Meeting ……………. With the recent change to inviting the area governor to each of the state board meetings this would not be reasonable. I suggest instead that the area governor provide an ‘AG Corner’ (or something catchy) which is his ‘Notes’ for the bulletin so all the members will
    understand what’s happening at the state level. Need to careful here in that items that should not be covered are clearly noted in the State Board meetings.
    Additionally, the statement should be changed to ‘the area governor is required to call a meeting of his big sirs at least once (or twice?) per year
    to review state board meeting discussions in depth and answer questions as needed’.
    Finally, on this subject of communications outside your branch – You should include a ‘strong’ suggestion that the bulletins of other branches
    be reviewed on a regular basis, especially those of neighboring branches, to ‘see what’s going on’.

    As I got near the end of the ‘Expectations of a Big Sir’ I received a ‘message’ 91.3% Complete.
    It wasn’t clear where to go next.
    After looking around I clicked on back to: 2 For Big & Little Sirs.

    Then I found ‘Next Course’ – which should be ‘Highlighted in a Blue Box’ but ONLY after the ‘Leave a Reply’ box.

    1. Hi Dale
      Thank you for your very thoughtful response. I am late replying as I’ve not had time to dedicate to this project for the last few months. I am getting ‘back into the saddle’ now and will be adding content and incorporating your suggestions. I hope to chat with you at the Board Meeting at Rossmoor.

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