1. Introduction to SIR Online Learning Courses

Each Course provides the information you need about one or more of the functions in your Branch. Some Branches have different names for their functions, so please be flexible when looking for a specific topic.

Each course is split into ‘Topics‘ i.e. short chunks that should only take 5-10 minutes to review. You can choose to proceed through any course in a linear manner if you prefer, i.e. reading the topics in numerical order. Alternatively, you may have questions about just one or two topics, and you can review those in any order you wish.

The icon for this introduction was designed for school and university online education, but many of the benefits shown are just as applicable to us ‘more mature’ students working from home!

Because most online course programs are targeted at schools, universities, and training departments in corporations the word “lesson” is used in this program (and it cannot be changed). For our purposes we will use the term “topic”, so at the bottom of each page, where the program refers to ‘Next lesson’ and ‘Previous lesson’ please ignore the word ‘lesson’ and instead mentally substitute ‘Topic’.

There are a number of benefits to using Online Learning! We will present an overview in the first topic below. An audio-visual guide to using the site will (eventually) be presented in ‘Topic 2:  Using this website’.

You can always offer comments and suggestions by opening the ‘Contact Page’ from the top menu. Fill out the form , then press “SEND”. 

OK. Enjoy the experience.

Course Information

Course Instructor

DLS DLS Author

1 thought on “1. Introduction to SIR Online Learning Courses”

  1. Enjoyed your presentation at Region 5 training session. In particular, I liked the look and expectation your proposed and in progress training course. Thank you for your work to date. Sincerely, Arlie Blackshear, Branch 108

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